Just Cause 4
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À propos de ce produit
Bienvenue à Solís, une immense nation d'Amérique du Sud où règnent le conflit, l'oppression et des conditions climatiques extrêmes.
Dans Just Cause 4, l'agent solitaire Rico Rodriguez se rend à Solís afin de découvrir la vérité sur son passé, quoi qu'il en coûte. Enfilez votre wingsuit, équipez-vous de votre grappin entièrement personnalisable et préparez-vous à déchaîner les éléments !
Set in the fictional South American world of Solis, JUST CAUSE 4 takes the series incredible destruction and unique physics to a whole new level with the introduction of tornadoes and other Extreme Weather events. JUST CAUSE 4 has four distinct biomes: Rainforest, Grasslands, Alpine & Desert. With each biome offering its own individual, fully simulated weather event, players will have a truly unique experience as they traverse this deep, diverse world.
Rico Rodriguez returns in JUST CAUSE 4 with his trademark parachute, wingsuit and, of course his grapple hook, now enhanced with new functionality and fully customisable.
Making it the most powerful and creative tool the player has ever had. Bring The Thunder:
- Ricos Ultimate Mission:
- Huge South American World:
- Creative Destruction at its best